You can catch me on tumblr though:
It's been real.
The repose of sleep refreshes only the body. It rarely sets the soul at rest. The repose of the night does not belong to us. It is not the possession of our being. Sleep opens within us an inn for phantoms. In the morning we must sweep out the shadows. ~Gaston Bachelard
#SusanWept :'(
aww... this is sad.. thanks for all the support you have given my bloggie! I really appreciate it Tunde... I will add your Tumblr to my reader... Don't be a stranger! I wish you the best!
Are you serious???? NOOOO. Well you know where I'll be. And I will keep in touch with you via email.
That's too bad, but I will still look forward to seeing you around the blogosphere :)
Always made for interesting reading tho I didn't comment often!
Sorry to see you leave, but I understand. You have to do what's best for you. I'm thinking about joining tumblr, and I'll tweet it if/when I do.
Hey there...Saw your comment on a blog where the latest article was about Black men and how they ain't shi... Well, thought you might be interested in my video blog talking about this issue from a male perspective--It's titled: "Black Men Need Help". I'd like to hear what you think. Check it out--it's the first video blog on my site's homepage:
Ayize Ma'at
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